Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Went so as per normal. First period chinese do nothing. After that english also do nothing also. After that CPA went lab study. Recess went with felix ronald they all. Math do w0rksheet then sci als0 do worksheet. Sian! After schh went tiong alone felix go tuti0n the rest D&T so nv wait f0r them cos they wan go opp eat. Reached tiong call my sis come KFC then after awhile ronald call me say wan join us f0r lunch. So wait for them to come then eat with ronald, raymond, wayne and jereme and my sis. After eating at KFC chit chat awhile went h0me. Reached h0me at about 4plus. :D ♥Miko - signing-off!♥
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Wake up at 5.20am for sch today. Meet joy at tiong then went f0r sch. First period CPA went cpa lab study, after that EBS do worksheet again. The rest off the period is free period liao go0d luhs! :D Then went recess with joy felix ronald and raymond. After eating went basketball c0urt play while walking t0 basketball court saw benny then jio him play also. After playing went back to class. Is freaking hot luhs! After schh went to tiong with joy and ronald to pei felix go take things then went harb0urfr0nt to eat. When we reach harb0urfr0nt saw yanti, wayne coming down eat also so waited f0r him at harbourfr0nt. After eating joy went home then me take cab with ronald felix and wayne. Reached home at about 5plus. :D ♥Miko - signing-off!♥
Saturday, September 19, 2009
 Went to my grandma hse today. Went down to have our lunch, sit down chit chat then about 3pm went to bugis. Went there with my sis and parent and my aunty uncle. Reached there then my parent and aunty uncle went shopping then me and my sis cousin went iluma play games. Took s0me pic at the lift, hahas. About 7pm went to find my parent then sit down buy drinks chit chat. Ab0ut 8pm they say wan go golden mile eat steamboat so went there eat. Ondre msg me say that he saw me but i nv saw him. After eating went g0lden landmark(i think) shop they say want find one small girl but is 50plus year old lia0. So went there but cnt find her then nvm while walking back then saw her. She is freaking fierce luhs but cute sia so small. Reached home at about 12pm. :D ♥Miko - signing-off!♥
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Today first period sci do worksheet sian then after that EBS betty ho nv come bt ms thng come. Sian! Then mr phua period do math worksheet. Recess went to eat with joy felix ronald at the rest. After recess math again went IT room3. After schh went tiong with joy felix ronald and raymond went to qi ji find sit but n0 place sit then went mac eat. After eating went more then words then went play stati0ns play. About 4pm left tiong, went mrt with raymond then went home. Reached home at about 5pm. :D ♥Miko - signing-off!♥
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Went schh as per normal today. First period cpa went lab do worksheet then EBS sian go back class study. Finally eng lesson, no need do anythink. Recess time, after eating joy went toilet then i go take my hp fr0m ronald. Waited joy at the back of the canteen. Waited for awhile then she dk i waiting f0r her then saw her went up liao. Lols! So went up class with ronald felix raymond and wayne. Then went to IT room3 watch movie. After sch went ti0ng with joy and wayne while felix go tution and ronald got D&T things. Reached tiong then went griller to eat and call jereme to eat with us also. After eating went 5 level sit down chit chat then felix call us wait for him, he want come join us. After awhile security guard come chase us then we went down to the prize stati0n. Idoit luhs cnt catch until the t0y wan! Nvm, after that went to subway pei felix eat. About 5pm left tiong, took mrt back with wayne. Reached home at about 6pm. :D
♥Miko - signing-off!♥
Monday, September 14, 2009
Hello! :D Reached tiong at about 7am today. Went to meet felix and joy f0r breakfast at mac. After eating went to schh. Sian luhs, first period ebs lia0 but then do worksheet only so nvm. Next lesson sci also do w0rksheet only then recess stay at class. After recess CD3 less0n als0 nothing t0 d0. English lesson Mr lum show us dk what video, so free. :D After schh t0 ITro0m f0r CPA practical. After schh went tiong with joy felix r0nald wayne and raymond f0r lunch. Went kfc sit down decide what to eat, discuss awhile then j0y say she wan go home so she went h0me first. So left me with them. They decide to g0 harb0urfr0nt eat yoshinoya, so went there for lunch after eating went h0me. Raymond went to take mrt h0me then we take cab. Reached h0me about 6pm. :D
♥Miko - signing-off!♥
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Went tiong with my sis to meet joy felix and wayne but then wayne late so will meeting him at safra. Went to KFC to have our lunch then went to take bus down to safra. While walking to the bus-stop saw benny so jio him t0 safra play pool. He say okay then we take bus down. Reached there went to play pool after awhile felix frd also came. See them play then after awhile went 7eleven buy things then went bowling there and eat. After eating went felix house, went to watch friday 13. Watch half way ab0ut 5plus we went home. Take cab with wayne until queenstown then take mrt home. Reached home about 6plus. :D
♥Miko - signing-off!♥
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Went sch today for english paper 1 and 2. After schh went telok blangah with joy, my sis, felix, ronald and wayne for lunch. Went to eat zi cha, after eating went to felix house and play. At felix house nothing to do then play pillow fight. Hahahas! About 4pm we leave his h0use but before leaving we make his house until very messy. Hahahas! :D Went to take cab with wayne to queenst0wn mrt. Reached home ab0ut 5plus. :D ♥Miko - signing-off!♥
Monday, September 7, 2009
Went sch t0day f0r N - level exam .. after first paper went mac t0 have breakfast .. after eating, me j0y felix r0nald raym0nd jereme went wayne h0use .. went there play wiwi and m0re .. r0nald bec0me popia hahahs .. b0ut 12plus went nearby k0ufu eat then to0k cab g0 sch .. after listening when ti0ng with j0y r0nald felix wayne and jereme .. went t0 buy bubble tea g0 level 5 sit d0wn chit chat .. b0ut 5plus went t0 take mrt then saw hui zhen then take mrt with her .. reach h0me b0ut 6pm ..
♥Miko - signing-off!♥
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Went sch tdy as per n0rmal .. study study and study .. recess eat with j0y, felix, r0nald, raym0nd and wayne .. after eating went indo0r sp0rt hall there play basketball .. then they say run up t0 0ur class then we run .. i nearly fall d0wn sia .. hahhas (= after scho0l went harb0urfr0nt with j0y, felix, r0nald and wayne t0 eat lunch .. after eating take cab t0 queenst0wn .. meet my meii at queenst0wn mrt .. then went h0me (= reach h0me b0ut 5plus .. ♥Miko - signing-off!♥
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Tdy is teacher day s0 n0 sch tdy hahhas (= went 0ut with mr phua, j0y, raym0nd, felix, r0nald, wayne and melvyn .. we meet at 11am at bugis but end up i 11.25am then reach :x sry f0r waiting (= after that went 0ne dunn0 wad restaurant felix say very nice s0 we g0 in .. went in we see the menu dunn0 wad t0 eat but felix wan eat .. but then n0b0dy wan eat s0 he nv eat then we end up juz 0rder tw0 cups 0f c0ke :x hahhas tw0 cups 0f c0ke c0st 5plus hahahs .. after that end up we est fishball no0dles .. after that went t0 iluma meet mr phua .. went t0 KSUITS again (= b0ut 6pm mr phua went h0me left we all at there sing .. b0ut 7pm then c0me 0ut .. then j0y raym0nd and me went h0me then the rest went t0 have dinner .. read h0me b0ut 8plus (= ♥Miko - signing-off!♥
Heartszxc, ♥
Miko, xinhui ♥
Eighteen years old this year. :D
Bday: 19nov93
Horoscope: Scorpio
Studying @ Balestier ite , multi-media technology
Msn | FaceBook Twitter ♥
I love my Family, Sisters and Brothers.♥
& I love taking photo , playing pool & love hanging out with friends.♥
& I love purple colour! ♥
Love me like the way i love you. ♥
If you respect me, i will respect to as well. :D
If you hate me what for viewing my blog? Fcuk off then! :D
Wishlist, ♥
♥ Personal pink vaio laptop
♥ ipod touch
♥ White GUESS watch
♥ Burberry Wallet
♥ Camera
♥ Prada phone
♥ Lg Optimus White phone
♥ Best friend ring with joy
♥ Best friend ring with peiling
♥ Biker jacket
♥ M(phosis Bag
♥ M(phosis high heels
♥ 3 Way bagpack
♥ Black, White, Purple, Red Mango tanktop
♥ Blue High waist skirt
♥ Black tight skirt
♥ Red tight skirt
♥ White Nf shorts
♥ Purple NF short
♥ Red NF short
♥ Pink NF short
♥ Purple and Pink FBt shorts
♥ Heart hoody
♥ Zinc bag
♥ Pink backpack
Chit-chats, ♥
Spammer pls fuck off!!
April 2009
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