Wednesday, March 31, 2010
 Hello! :D Woke up at 12pm today. I was woken up by Leroy korr, he called me ask me want go out anot, but i'm still not feeling well thats why never go out. Sorry uhs. Staying at home today, facebook-ing chating, etc. New horror show is coming out tmr! Hahahas! Wanna watch the show Ju-On: White Ghost & Black Ghost. Love to watch horror movie but scary luhs. Hahahas! :D My mind tells me to give up, but my heart won't let me.♥miss you badly. :(♥Miko- signing-off♥
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
 I'm sad now :( Today didn't go out, stay at home. Damn boring. Dk why my mind keep thinking about you, seriously dk should i give up anot. I just got a feeling that you won't like me de. But i just missing you everyday and thinking if you got miss me anot but i don't think so bahh. Didn't recieve any msg from you today, i'm so damn sad. Emo-ing. Even though i was msging with my friends my mind is still always thinking about you. I know you want me to give up on you but seriously is really damn hard for me to give up le. I really dk what should i do le, i really don't feel like giving up. Can anyone tell me what should i do? :( IMY! I'm sick now. :( ♥Miko- signing-off♥
Monday, March 29, 2010
 Woke up at 11.15am today. Went to prepare everythings then went out. While i'm in the train, recived msg from peiling, she say safra pool there under renovation so they went to play bowling first. Reached tiong, went to meet joy then went down to schh take testimonial first. While we in the office, saw mr kun, ms thng and mr goh. After taking the testimonial we went to find Mr phua, chit chat awhile then we went off le. While walking out saw eugenia mei, also chit chat with her awhile. When to take bus to tiong saw leroy and vanassa and some of my other frds. Reached tiong recieved msg from leroy, e say he dont dare say hi to me just now cause he not sure is it me anot. Hahahas! Went tiong arcade find peiling, minyi and his frds then went mac to have our lunch, awhile eating saw edwin dii and ben. After eating went down to bugis arcade there play awhile. Raining damn sian, dk where to go. After that they decided to go play pool, so went there see the guys play. After that went iluma shop around then went home. Took mrt home with peiling, she get down first. While in the train msging with leroy, we msg almost like whole day. Hahahas! Reached home at about 8pm. :D ♥Miko - signing-off!♥
Saturday, March 27, 2010
  Woke up at 11plus today, after preparing all the things went out with my sis. Went down to bugis to have our lunch. Reached there went to KFC and eat, my num bring the two little kids come down to bugis too. After eating went to shop around, about 5plus leave bugis and down to my grandma house. Reached there play ipod, when my uncle came went to use his laptop. 7pm had my dinner down there, after eating sit down use laptop awhile then went home. Reached home at about 9.15pm. Reached home went to bathe then watch cd tittle Intruder. The show not bad luhs, the killing part abit scary luhs. Hahahas! Currently chating with frds, blogging and facebook-ing. :D ♥Miko - signing-off!♥
Friday, March 26, 2010
Time check, currently 10.55am now. Facebook-ing, blogging and chating with frds now. Will be going down clementi ite bus-stop there to meet Mk, Shengjie and Shan min and meet Grace and her bf at CCK and Peiling at Clementi. Will post again when i come back. Bye! :D Edit-ed ---- Hello! :D Just come back from batok. After meeting them then went down to timah to play pool. Reached there went to mac to have our lunch. After eating yao cong also came then went up to play pool. I play one round with peiling too, first time playing. Quite fun actually, started to like to play already. Hahas! After awhile Ren zhong came. Siting down there see them play and chit chat with peiling about our things. We play till about 5plus then went down to batok. Went down to batok with MK, RZ, Shan Min and Peiling. Plan to watch movie de but when down see, all the show like not nice de so never watch. When to arcade awhile then went mac to eat. After eating went home. Reached home at about 8pm. :D ♥Miko - signing-off!♥
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Never go out today as i no mood to go out also. Wake up receive msg from yc so msg chat with him. Cook maggie to eat then went to use com le. Chat with people, blogging, facebook-ing, listening to music and do my OSA project. I'm trying to give up now but i can't. Really dk what shd i do now. Can't shop thinking about you. Hope that i can receive your msg everyday. Missing you. =( Msging with Ahxiang korr now, thx for caring me. Thx to those ppl who care me too. :D ♥Miko - signing-off!♥
♥Missing you could turn from pain to pleasure, if I knew you were missing me too.♥
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
   Went out with Elieen, Grace, Clarise and Reiko today. So wake up at 9.30am then went to bath and do everythings then went out. Waited for eileen at teck whye lrt then went down to CCK to meet clarise. After meeting her went down to causeway to meet reiko. After eating Grace came, she pack the food then we went off. Went to Sing K with them. Want to forget everythings and be happy playing with them yet i cannot stop thinking about you. Text with yc chat with him. About 4pm me and grace went off while the rest continue sing. We dk where to go so went to causeway again. Shop around there while waiting for grace bf to come. After that went to KFC to have out dinner. After eating accompany grace go buy things then went home. While in the train text with yc, listening to ipod and thinking of him. Reached home about 6plus. :D ♥Miko - signing-off!♥ It's hard to tell your mind to stop loving someone, when you're heart still does.
Monday, March 22, 2010
Wake up at 11plus then when to bathe. After that switch on com use awhile when out to BPP to have my lunch with my sis. Went to mac and eat. After eating, sit down chit chat with my sis and lend her ipod to play while i msging and listening to music. Raining heavily down there so slack at BPP until 4plus. Went to take bus home, at bus stop msg half way hp no battery, sian. Reached home went to charge my hp then went to play my ipod and use com. Bout 6pm had my dinner, i eat abit only. hahas. Then 7pm watch the show Cruel temtation after that went to bath then use com again. Facebook-ing, blogging, chating with frds at msn and msging now! :D Currently is 12.30am now, going to sleep soon. Will have Fun with them tmr! Goodnites everyone! :D Tmr going out with Reiko, Grace, Eileen and Clarise! :D Meeting Eileen and Clarise at Teck whye lrt! I doubt it will be fun uhs! Hahahas! :D ♥Miko - signing-off!♥
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
I'm so damn sad now. Currently having CS lesson. Blogging and facebook-ing now. Suddenly feel so sad, dk why also. When i see him with other girls tgt i will have the sad feeling. I know they are only frds but still got the feeling. This feeling damn sucks luhs! Emo-ing! =(
♥Miko - signing-off!♥ Don't ever give up if you still want to try. Don't ever wipe your tears if you still want to cry. Don't ever settle for an answer if you still want to know. Don't ever say you don't love him if you can't let him go.
Monday, March 15, 2010
Went schh tdy with reiko and grace. Reached schh, went to locker then went to class for CS. Next lesson EFC, having roleplay. Meixin didn't come then i have to partner with Zul. Haiz, we roleplay until so lousy. :( After that brk then OSA lesson. Lee kk didn't come so end schh! :D Went to timah with Ren zhong, ming kwang, grace and yao cong. Reached there they went to pool while me and grace went mac sit down chit chat, cos we wearing polo tee cnt go in. So they play one round then come mac and join us. After that went to batok, reached batok then went mac to sit. After that went home, reached home at 6.30pm. :D ♥Miko - signing-off!♥
Friday, March 12, 2010
 After schh went out with ren zhong, grace, mk and yc. Went to bukit timah to play pool. Reached there they play one round then went mac to eat. After eating they went to play again. Auen and jame came too. About 4pm took bus to bukit panjang with yc. After that yc went home then i went to find my sis to have dinner. Reached home at 6plus. :D ♥Miko - signing-off!♥ Wherever you are, you'll always be in my heart.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
After schh went to take bus with grace, mk and yaocong. Took bus 188 to cck while mk went home. Reached cck went to cinema there to see the timing for the alice in the wonderland show. After that went to sakae sushi to eat. Went in with grace, yao cong and one of his frd. After that accompany grace to eat mango ice-cream. Went to cinema to meet ren zhong and auen then accompany auen to eat his dinner then went to bought our movie ticket. Bought the alice in wonderland 3D ticket then went in the cinema to watch the show. The show is so boring luhs.... shdn't have watch this show. After that cab home with yao cong while the rest took mrt home. Reached home at 9.05pm. :D ♥Miko - signing-off!♥
Friday, March 5, 2010
Tdy lesson start at 8am. Reached schh went to canteen and sit. Saw the guy i hate luhs! After awhile yao cong and eileen came. Sit down chitchat awhile then me, reiko and grace went co-op then yao cong and eileen went back class. Went hall to have our cca, at hall calling april intake ppl to join co-op member. Hmm, saw some shuai ge down there. Hahahas! 10.40am left the hall then went back class to have our CS exam. Haiz my CS paper sure fail le, so hard. After that went back hall to continue our cca,bout 5.30pm we went off. Went to take bus 106 to wm find mk, aloy and their frds while reiko, eileen and clarise went home. Slack at mos buger there then after awhile me and grace went to eat ice-cream, but i nvr eat. Then mk and his frds went to eat dinner with their sec schh teacher while me and grace went to shop around. When to find a place to have our dinner but all the place is like full house. After awhile auen came to find us. Auen went to bubble tea shop to buy lime ice-blended for me while me and grace went popular awhile. So since no place for us to eat so we went to eat ice-cream for our dinner luhs. After mk and his frds eat finish went to find us. After awhile me and grace wanne go home le, so went to take mrt home.Then mk, aloy, auen and one of the mk frd follow us take mrt. Mk and one of his frd and grace take till my hse then nvr tap out then went off. Left aloy and auen send me till my hse down stair then they went off. Reached home at 9.30pm. :D
♥Miko - signing-off!♥
Heartszxc, ♥
Miko, xinhui ♥
Eighteen years old this year. :D
Bday: 19nov93
Horoscope: Scorpio
Studying @ Balestier ite , multi-media technology
Msn | FaceBook Twitter ♥
I love my Family, Sisters and Brothers.♥
& I love taking photo , playing pool & love hanging out with friends.♥
& I love purple colour! ♥
Love me like the way i love you. ♥
If you respect me, i will respect to as well. :D
If you hate me what for viewing my blog? Fcuk off then! :D
Wishlist, ♥
♥ Personal pink vaio laptop
♥ ipod touch
♥ White GUESS watch
♥ Burberry Wallet
♥ Camera
♥ Prada phone
♥ Lg Optimus White phone
♥ Best friend ring with joy
♥ Best friend ring with peiling
♥ Biker jacket
♥ M(phosis Bag
♥ M(phosis high heels
♥ 3 Way bagpack
♥ Black, White, Purple, Red Mango tanktop
♥ Blue High waist skirt
♥ Black tight skirt
♥ Red tight skirt
♥ White Nf shorts
♥ Purple NF short
♥ Red NF short
♥ Pink NF short
♥ Purple and Pink FBt shorts
♥ Heart hoody
♥ Zinc bag
♥ Pink backpack
Chit-chats, ♥
Spammer pls fuck off!!
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