Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Nafa today & Was damn tiring! Reached school, waited for shanmin to come then went to change pe attire. Went for the five station then run for 2.4. Hate running luhs. After the run Mk, Sm and Yc went home while i waiting for my gan beloved for one hour. Waited for her outside her class the benches there. At twelve she end her class and went for break. We decided to pon class and went to vivo. Went to take bus to vivo to have our lunch. Went to shop around and slack at sky park. Reached home at about 6pm. :D ♥Miko- signing-off♥
Monday, May 17, 2010
Went school alone today. Reached school, went to class. Was playing ipod, listening to music and msging during CS lesson. Class end, so when to locker. She catched skirt again. -_- Damn it! EFC lesson was doing the 'minutes' exercise. Break time, when to find joy as per normal. During OSA, didn't do anythink. SBM lesson also nothing much also. Joy waited for me outside my class for one hour. Lols! After school, went clementi with joy. Went to eat Kfc for dinner, then went big bookshop to buy straw for myself and some stuff for SBM bazzar for this wed. We was like mad during that time. Lols! Hahahas! About six plus left there. Reached home at seven plus. :D ♥Miko- signing-off♥
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Woke up at 6plus today, after preparing went to meet joy at clementi and went school together. Reached school went in class, use com awhile then went to fold stars. After awhile ms haslinda came in our class, she call my name out and say my skirt. Angry luhs! During CS, do nothing. Break time went to find joy. We went canteen to pack food and went to other place and eat. Saw jian hao eating alone, so we join him. Next lesson was EFC and dt told us to write email. After writing and checking, went to canteen and buy drinks and went for next lesson which is GEC. Went in class listen music and sleep. Lols! After that Yc went for his batminton while Mk, SM and me went westmall awhile then went home. Reached home at 6pm. :D ♥Miko- signing-off♥
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Heyhey! :D Woke up at 6plus today, after preparing went to school. Reached school went to find joy awhile then went to class. Reached class, went in sit down and sleep. Lols! Was damn sleepy today. After this care session, teacher bring us to dk what room for the cs talk and do survey thingy. After that went to canteen awhile then went back for OSA lesson. Teacher didnt teach anythink so just use com. After awhile he suddenly call and catch my skirt and he take my record down. Hate him! Break time went to meet joy. We went canteen to pack food and eat at the PE benches there. SBM lesson didnt do anythink, sleep awhile. CS was using com, went to class for the first hour then Pon then last lesson. Went to clementi mall there with gan beloved to print photo. After that went exit there slack awhile then went to bought straws and stars paper. After buying, we went to KFC to fold hearts and stars. About six plus went home. :D ♥Miko- signing-off♥
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Hey! :D Yesterday went to school as per normal. After school went to Mk house there the shop with mk and yc. Went there to check our product price for out SBM project2. After checking and take note of the product price, we went to mk house to calculate all the price. After that, wait for Mk to bathe then we went out. Yc when to another bus-stop home, then me took the same bus with MK to westmall. Reached westmall MK go find his friend then i took mrt home. Reached home at 8plus. :D Reached home went to bathe, eat dinner then went to do the SBM proposal till about 11pm. After that went to my room msg with friends awhile then went to sleep. :D Today woke up le, went to prepare everythings then went out to school. Reached school at 10am, then went for OSA test. After doing OSA test is break so when to find joy. During DT lesson, heard is break time so me and joy went PE there and sit down. Went to office there transfer the proposal that i had done ytd to shanmin thumbdrive then went to took mrt to JP to pass things to someone then went down to tiong. Reached tiong to print photo, while waiting we went to level 5 slack for awhile. After that went down to collect the photo then went to ikea. After joy bought the stuff that she wants at ikea we went to eat the hotdog bread there. Lols! That time was damn hungry as i didnt eat anythink yet from the morning till that time. After eating, went to take bus 195. Joy get down first then me as i get down at tiong to take mrt home. Was raining heavily and i didnt bring umbrella so i ran home. Reached home, went to bathe then use com. Not eating dinner today! :D ♥Miko- signing-0ff♥
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Went to school alone today, reached school went to class as Sm they all haven reached school. Was listening to music and msging during care session. After care session went to canteen awhile then went for OSA. After OSA is break, so i went to find joy. She was selling pancake and jelly for her SBM project 2. After break, went off to my next lesson SBM. Went in the class, online fb awhile then went out class to find joy. Chit chat awhile then went canteen to have my lunch. After that play ipod taptap awhile then went back class. When in class not long then went for the next lesson. During CS, was doing the idelight thingy. Was so sian, so went to log in fb again. Chit chat with yujie on fb awhile then end class. After school, went home alone. Otw walking to mrt, saw mk at the bus stop. Thought he taking bus so i went off. After that joon kait called me, saw he opposite the road so went to clementi mrt with him. While in the traffic light, mk also called me so also went mrt with him. After that me and mk went down to jurong to meet Sm and Yc. When down to yewtew awhile then went home. Reached home at 7plus. :D ♥Miko- signing-off♥
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Didn't went for the PE today so went school late. Reached school at about twelve. Reached school went to meet Sm, Mk and Yc then went benches there awhile then went for EFC lesson. During EFC we were using fb and doing the assignment that DT set. After that is LFS, about 2plus he end us. While otw to find joy, heard someone called miko so i turn. Chat with Nikoko awhile then went joy class and find her. Went in her class wait till she end her lesson then went to take mrt. Joy went home then i went to BBP to meet my sis to have my dinner. After eating went to Aries bought some stuff then went home. Reached home at about 6plus. :D ♥Miko- signing-off♥
Monday, May 3, 2010
   Went school with joy today. Reached school pei joy go her class then went to find shanmin, mk and yc. After that went back class for CS then EFC. Break time went to find joy, after buying drinks we went culinary locker there chit chat and play ipod. After that Sm, Mk and Yc came. After awhile went for OSA lesson, did'nt do anythink cause most of the com is spoilt. Took some pictures in the class. Next lesson is SBM, went to canteen awhile then went for class. After school went to clementi with joy and we went exit there to slack awhile. After that went home. Reached home at about 7pm. :D ♥Miko- signing-off♥
Heartszxc, ♥
Miko, xinhui ♥
Eighteen years old this year. :D
Bday: 19nov93
Horoscope: Scorpio
Studying @ Balestier ite , multi-media technology
Msn | FaceBook Twitter ♥
I love my Family, Sisters and Brothers.♥
& I love taking photo , playing pool & love hanging out with friends.♥
& I love purple colour! ♥
Love me like the way i love you. ♥
If you respect me, i will respect to as well. :D
If you hate me what for viewing my blog? Fcuk off then! :D
Wishlist, ♥
♥ Personal pink vaio laptop
♥ ipod touch
♥ White GUESS watch
♥ Burberry Wallet
♥ Camera
♥ Prada phone
♥ Lg Optimus White phone
♥ Best friend ring with joy
♥ Best friend ring with peiling
♥ Biker jacket
♥ M(phosis Bag
♥ M(phosis high heels
♥ 3 Way bagpack
♥ Black, White, Purple, Red Mango tanktop
♥ Blue High waist skirt
♥ Black tight skirt
♥ Red tight skirt
♥ White Nf shorts
♥ Purple NF short
♥ Red NF short
♥ Pink NF short
♥ Purple and Pink FBt shorts
♥ Heart hoody
♥ Zinc bag
♥ Pink backpack
Chit-chats, ♥
Spammer pls fuck off!!
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